Tell Them

It was seemingly normal until that moment.

7:53 am CST 5/9/2017

Father, I do not know the significance of that moment, but you do. In one millisecond moment I felt a weight of sheer terror that left me asking multitudes of questions.

I felt ready to burst into tears. I prayed. I lifted everyone up in Prayer…

Five minutes later the words “Tell Them” were uttered in The Spirit.

Tell them? Tell them what, Father?


I find myself driving a slightly different route than usual. I am driving Southbound and am approaching a “school zone” ahead. The lights are flashing yellow indicating to slow down to the required 25 mph. While I am looking AT and observing the sign, the lights which have been flashing – instantly stop. The cars ahead of me would not have seen this. Though I could have increased my speed, I was unable to because the vehicles ahead had not seen this occur…in all the years I have been driving I have never seen a school “speed” sign either start or stop WHILE I was looking at it.

“Tell Them. Do you see why you must?

Children, any of you who are still willing to listen. Please hear Me and drink in My Words. Many of you have lost heart thinking that I AM not a God of My Word. It is for your benefit and that of your family, friends and business associates – anyone you have known over the years that things have seemed to not have changed. By changed meaning, My Son has not returned.

Have you realized that your sense of the, “clock of time,” and my timing are different? I work based on a Prophetic Time Scale. The earth has created a world clock…but am I of the world? My Prophetic timing is based on principles beyond the scope of human understanding. Trying to understand it, will leave you feeling frustrated and weary. That is not my goal for My Sheep. My Sheep, when they truly follow me know MY Voice, feel my Shalom and thirst for The Living Water that only My Son can provide.

The thirst I speak of is that which you must seek to fill up on each day…for each day you NEED to grow deeper into me.

This is about relationship:

Do you know ME as I know you?


Now is the time to lift up those whose souls you are concerned for. At a set point in the future, just as the school sign lights STOPPED, so too, will MY “caution” messages (or warnings) cease – because MY PLAN for the ages will have started – before your eyes.

In real life, if you were to ignore the activated school zone signage – the cost could be significant. The sign is there to protect you and others. When MY WARNINGS abruptly end…what will you do?

Do not fret about what you cannot control but heed the messages to cover yourselves and anyone you know (and even those you meet) with the mustard seed of faith. (Matthew 17:20)

In the days to come, your Hope & Faith will be worth more than money and for those distant from me – as difficult to find – as food. (1 Peter 1:7)

Remember this, I tarry not and I Love you always.”


As with all messages I ask that you SEEK The Father for His Wisdom, Clarity and Understanding.

God’s Blessings and Shalom be with all of you,
