Tag Archive | Song of Solomon

And So It Begins…

I had heard about this cargo ship “stuck” at sea, but haven’t really paid much attention.

I was outside working with wood and building a project when the Holy Spirit had me pause and take a moment to peruse through WordPress. That’s when I noticed an article shared by “Blood of the Lamb” (Watchman73) regarding the Suez Canal crisis – which included the above photo from SkyNet, that I did a double take –

We are looking at Prophecy in the making here – and more than a couple of signs of Tribulation and Apocalypse.

I have seen these cargo ships before – when I was little I lived near the Port of Tacoma, and remember well driving past them. What struck a chord in me today was seeing that “Evergreen” Logo. Because that Logo directly relates to this song:

I remember hearing this song on the radio as a kid – I almost thought of it as my parents song – because their love was steadfast and loyal, almost more Agape in nature than how culture has tried to romanticize everything that love isn’t. After they died, it was really hard to listen to it – so I tried not to.

Today, when I saw the Evergreen ship in the Suez Canal – The Holy Spirit directed me to listen to the above. Until now, I would not have realized how incredibly prophetic the lyrics are. If you are at all aware of our Biblical Scriptures – the lyrics to Streisand’s, “Evergreen,” point right back to Books such as Song of Solomon and Esther. Utterly amazing….

Now, for the Prophetic kicker of this Cargo Ship as it relates to “Current” events – The Evergreen is stuck in the Suez Canal. I read that The etymology of “Suez” (in Arabic) means “Beginning”…on top of that the Suez Canal is located near the opening of the Red Sea. Think about that REALLY carefully.

Opening —-

Red Sea —

Opening alludes to “Birth Pangs” of a woman (Rev 12) – this cargo ship is in the WATER. A woman’s water normally “breaks” or “bursts” as the baby “Crowns” and is birthed. We are now at (if not past) 3-1/2 years since the Revelation 12 Sign.

This Suez Canal “BREACH” is not just coincidental.

RED SEA – the parting of the RED SEA. As a woman gives birth, the woman’s water not only breaks but there is a parting of blood and water as the baby is delivered. Not to mention, when Yahuah used Moses to “Part the Red Sea” in the Exodus.

And – this appears to be occurring over what many acknowledge as Pesach, or “Passover”….and “Passion Week”