Christmas – Seeking The Spirit to Find Truth

Updated 3/1/2019

I have been waiting to figure out how and when and where to share this portion of “Finding Christmas.” Because when I wrote this back in 2014, I was a completely different person. It was today, when I noticed that someone had visited this particular message that I realized this is where I should share what The Spirit has taught me that changed my mind about “Christmas” on our current Gregorian Calendar.

In my search to find the meaning of Christmas and also who my Savior and Redeemer is – I learned a whole lot more than I ever bargained for.

I still encourage you to read the original “Finding Christmas” post, and I will provide the update at the bottom.




It’s less than 3 weeks to Christmas.

I am having a difficult time finding the Holiday Spirit, and maybe that IS my problem. Maybe the “Holiday Spirit” ought not be my goal.

I feel like I’ve been struggling with this for a while. Don’t get me wrong. In year’s past, I (have) loved Christmas and celebrating my Saviors Birth.

But this year just feels different. Maybe because I am different, now, too.

I don’t watch TV much anymore and when I did recently it was on Thanksgiving Day. It was interesting to watch, but I’m not sure it entertained me.

I watched the parade sitting in my family room a couple thousand miles away. I watched it recognizing that Thanksgiving is acknowledged in this country as the kick off to Christmas – Christmas Shopping that is.

I don’t know when it happened but my fondness for the Spirit of Christmas has waned since I was young. While it’s important to celebrate the birth of Jesus as our Savior, I drag my feet because deep down in my Spirit – I know that Christmas (The Holy Spirit) was never intended to be “commercial-ized.”

I have occasionally shopped on Black Friday. I am embarrassed and ashamed to admit I shopped last year on Gray Thursday, and in the ensuing weeks ended up returning most everything I purchased.

This year, I ended up boycotting the whole thing. I just didn’t want to budge.

I think it all started the year I started baking and making gifts for the neighbors. I still try to do that. In addition to baking, I try to embroider gifts for family far away.

So why do I still feel like there is an emptiness inside?

Friends, I’d have to guess it’s because this world is not my home and the essence of Christmas and the human spirit has been changing over the decades.

Christmas Day might be the calendar observation of Christ’s birth, but I NEED to live everyday as if it is Christmas.

The world is changing,

AND I want to change with it.

I want to love like Jesus loved me.

I have to keep Christmas in my heart year round. I have to keep Hope, Faith & Love alive and find ways to integrate it daily.

I don’t want to let those Gifts just shimmer at during Advent, I want them to #Shine365.

The Gift of Christmas needs to be given away year round; not boxed up with the wrapping paper and bows on January 1st.

The reason for the season isn’t going to be found in anything we buy for ourselves. What you need most, what we all need most is already here.

God gave us His only begotten Son…

God gave us Hope. We have to chose Love and

Christmas is about Finding Faith.

1 Corinthians 13:13

Three things will last forever–faith, hope, and love–and the greatest of these is love.


Lord, Prepare our hears and minds during this Advent season as we celebrate the birth of your Son, our Savior…

Help us to recognize this Season isn’t about boxes, bows and buying – it’s about the Greatest Miracle of ALL – Given for ALL mankind.

Open our eyes, soften our hearts, and guide us. Amen.


Truth – amidst a sea of Confusion:

The World is Changing but Yahovah is unchanging –

He is our Rock to Stand On.

Given that my understanding is I am not to share any additional “fresh” blog posts on this site – but I am not interested in sharing this on YouTube – I am released to update this existing version.

It never occurred to me back in 2014 that the reason The Christmas/Holiday/Yuletide Season left me feeling hollow and empty over the years is because something was amiss.

Originally the song, “Christmas List,” was placed at the top of this blog post because within it the images of Santa were displayed. Santa has nothing to do with the Bible or God’s Word. The adversary was up to old tricks when “culture” created the image of Santa decades ago as part of a very slick commercial advertising. I hadn’t bothered until recently to dig in and learn about the pagan origins.

The very name of Santa is also an anagram.

Though December 25th is THE date which the majority of Christians celebrate Jesus’ Birth. Imagine my surprise in the Autumn of 2017 when The Holy Spirit told me that, indeed, December is not when Jesus was born. At the time, I was told His birthday is in October (near Feast of Tabernacles.)

The Holy Spirit is a giver of Truth – but I didn’t know how to take what I had just heard. If Christ’s Birthday wasn’t in December, what – why and how is it we bother “celebrating” in December and going to so much effort between Thanksgiving and Christmas?!




It was in 2018 that yet another major Paradigm shift occurred. I had been struggling all year with so many things and the “Why” factor about Christmas was one of them. And as I decided to more closely examine (albeit with hesitation along the way) why we celebrate Christmas at all I began to find myself getting frustrated and feeling really misled – alright I’ll just say it – duped (by the devil.)

After years of taking part in the pomp and circumstance of all that Christmas is supposed to represent (trees, gifts, giving, Christmas cards, baking, seasonal music…)  as time marched forward from Thanksgiving Day I found myself in the oddest of places.

In my neighborhood, houses around me were gearing up and decorating – but this time my motivation to hop onboard with that “frequency” of the Christmas Spirit – started to go really fuzzy with a bunch of static mingling in. In hindsight, I recognize it was a Spirit check.

Instead of going a million miles an hour unboxing decorations and all – I sat down with my Bible(s) and started searching the scriptures for how God’s Word TELLS us to celebrate His Son’s Birth.


While Jesus’s Birth is documented in History – I could not find any scripture in The Word to establish Christmas Day as the appointed time to acknowledge it…I was miffed. Unfortunately, the search got more intense.

I had had a really bad dream in 2017 (maybe 2018) about The Anti-Christ, The Apostate Church and – The Strong Delusion. In hindsight it was in that dream (vision) that I realized I was being shown (a laundry list of things, but among them) that the true origin of Christmas Trees have very little to do with God’s Glory. In reality, The tree has an association with Nimrod (Babylon/Worldly Church).

The reality is we shouldn’t need Christmas to display God’s Love. I don’t recall the Apostles in the New Testament EVER mentioning Christmas Day or December 25th (which in the occult world December 25th – the winter solstice actually celebrates Tammuz). More importantly God tells us in the Old Testament not to find yourself adopting the traditions of Babylon! Click here to begin learning a bit about how far the rabbit trail goes!

To make a long story short, in 2018 – I all but boycotted Christmas. We had Christmas Dinner. I sent out one Christmas present to Seattle. And bought one gift for each of my kids. But I never put up a Tree or wreath. It was a weird “Christmas” Season to walk through from an observational perspective. But for the FIRST Time EVER – when Christmas night arrived, followed by the day after – I DID NOT feel hollow inside or that something was amiss (as in previous years I felt like I had missing something.)

For once, I actually felt PEACE.

It was Jeremiah 10:1-4 that finally got me to feeling conviction over the Christmas Tree. Many people say that this verse speaks of the images of the Jesus Crucifixion in the Catholic Church. But, I have to be honest with you – the artificial Christmas Tree(s) that so many now have is what I saw (in The Spirit) EACH time I read those verses.

So, now what? We keep listening for the Holy Spirit to guide us into all Truth and learn as much as we can everyday about Our Creator.

After all, The World and everything in it belongs to Him. (Genesis 1 & 2)

The Holy of Holies

Amen. Amen and Amen.


4 thoughts on “Christmas – Seeking The Spirit to Find Truth

  1. I agree sometimes the commercial aspect of Christmas sours our outlook about it. There’s a lot of pressure to perform: to create perfect gifts for everyone, make the right foods, decorate well, and don’t gain any weight in the process. Christmas shouldn’t be a season but a year-round attitude of appreciation and love…for what He’s done for us and generosity towards others.


  2. Can I just say, dear new friend, I wish we could grab a coffee…seriously! I am over here rooting you on! Not too many others out there would admit what you did on here and let me tell you, I’m proud to have read this post. You may not feel “it.” You may not be in the Christmas spirit as defined by others…but you are focusing on Him. You are wanting more of what He has to offer. Praying that somehow, He will totally takeover your Christmas in a powerful way.


    • Ohh, Thank you! This worldis Ccertainly a balancing act. But He’s totally taken over… and consumed me! I can’t help but see the work of his hands in everything. God will give me exactly what I need this Christmas… good thing he’s got experience doing this!


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