Tag Archive | Spiritual Realm

The Daily Battle: Be Clothed, Be Ready!

Are you ready for the battle before you?

We do not fight against flesh and blood.

We battle against a force more sinister and conniving.

If you think the biggest challenge you face is in front of you…

…facing you, tangible…think again.

What is invisible and unseen is just as real as anything you can touch or see.

Are you WEARING the clothes you really NEED?

The enemy would love for you to believe that what you see in this world is ALL there is.

Be prepared for what you can’t see.

Prepare your heart,

Prepare your mind

Ready your soul.

Clothing yourself EACH day with the

Armor of God: His Spiritual ARMOR

Ephesians 6:10-18 New Living Translation (NLT)

The Whole Armor of God

10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we[a] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.[b] 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.[c] 17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.[d]

Praying this for yourself is POWERFUL

Praying this for another, is intercessory prayer.


I am a major fan of the music video and song that I posted with this. I am also including the lyric video for it because I am a WORD lover and believe understanding the words of a song are as important as the melody that carries it.

Just Remember, we are told that God’s Still small voice is always there, ready to speak to us — if we will only BE STILL.

“Be Still” Lyric video from StorySide B



We are not alone.

Speak Truth.

God’s Truth.

If God is for us & who can be against us!

Have a Blessed Weekend,


Breaking Chains: Burying Memories


My 3rd writing day and I’m getting a late start. Not letting that stop me though.

I’ve finally dressed.

I made myself put on make up today.

Eyeliner, eye shadow and lipstick.

I do want to take this moment to Praise God, because the last two days of writing memoir scenes has been liberating.

It was the Holy Spirit’s words from last week that finally hit me; I just needed time to process his message:


HS: Why are you putting yourself through this?

Your avoidance is a misuse of energy & it’s breaking you down!

Fight through it!

Write it out, writing through it will be much easier than what you are living WITH

You are hoping this will go away on its own.

Your past is yours. OWN it!

Your God is Creator but you are the CREATED.

Re-write the Wrongs! He’ll do his part, but YOU need to do yours.

You’re making this more difficult than the process would be if you sat down and finished it.


I have doubted that what I have to say will be of benefit to anyone. However, this week, I had a fellow Christian author read two of my scenes. I’m grateful I did. I’m grateful God directed me to her.

It is encouraging when someone tells you to keep going. When you hear that what you’ve written is both important and good writing. But, I should have known that already. The Lord has been hounding me to do this for a while.

This morning I ran across a blog post written by a woman about death. It just so happens that at least one or two scenes in this manuscript will have to focus on loss and death.

It is a brutal topic. Brutal, because none of us really wants to face it but a critical topic because none of us can escape it.

I am blogging at this moment as a form of procrastination but also because in the writer’s world a blank page is static. I needed to get words flowing and build momentum.

No, I don’t want to write about those memories. No, I really don’t want to end up sobbing today – like I did as I wrote the last two days.

But the reality is I HAVE to. The longer I put this off, the more difficult it becomes. Three decades of wishing pain away is long enough.

I don’t want to look my 15 year old self in the mirror. I don’t want to see what I looked like the day I buried my mother.

And yet, the two scenes I wrote in the last 48 hours were crucial. They allowed God to help me break chains of bondage. Something I didn’t know was possible. Something that is of more worth than Gold.

So, I’m going to trust God, that as He has directed, he knows what is best.

I write to release and break chains that have kept me tethered…I write to surrender my soul to My Savior.


Blessings to you & Be a Blessing to others,


Sounding The Trumpet

Scare Tactics

I wrote a blog post yesterday, of which I have yet to publish.

After I finished writing the initial draft, I experienced an intense attack of Spiritual Warfare.

I don’t know what it was; a stress attack, emotional anxiety, heart attack?

It happened as I was about to scan and upload a photo I had already pictured was a perfect match for my blog topic. I already have the music video. But I had to stop. For the first time in my life, I nearly couldn’t breathe. And yes, I was scared.

I hope to go back, re-read, edit it and post it soon – someday.

Troubles on the Path

Jesus told us to expect troubles in this life. He told us to be prepared. I thought I had been doing that. I guess I haven’t been doing enough.

I’ve read enough scripture to know that as a follower and fellow believer in Christ Jesus I am not only to share His Good News and encourage others I am also supposed to be a Watchman on the Wall.

I read about this the first time I read the Bible in a Year on the YouVersion Bible App. It’s not that I didn’t take that assignment seriously, but to be honest I guess I have been hesitant in doing so.

However, I don’t want to find myself at the end of my life or at the Judgment Seat of Christ and not have done what I was called upon to do. I have no legitimate reason not to. Well, other than feeling like Moses – and not feeling capable or competent about SHOUTING IT OUT.

Per God’s nudging; I am “Sounding The Trumpet”

My carnal flesh can’t believe I am saying this, even if my Spirit knows better.

I’ve written very little about The Blood Moons and The Shemitah (though I have briefly mentioned them in previous posts). If you aren’t familiar with these topics: GET familiar.

Today’s post, His message for me – to share with ANYONE willing to listen and hear is:


Several years ago, roughly 2007/8, I was cleaning up the kitchen. This was when we were still on the West Coast.

Standing at the counter island, it was early in the day when I felt something, like a pause in time. I had officially started my walk with God (that year or the year before), and it was His Spirit communicating (though I didn’t fully understand it at the time.).

As we paused together in that moment, He told me to prepare because the “Winds of Change” were approaching and we would be leaving that house SOON: at the time – in that moment, that’s all he said.


He wanted me to emotionally prepare and not be taken by surprise. Even though His Whisper came as a surprise, it was the kindest thing he could have done for me; given me advanced word. Different than a word of warning, this was more a “notice” of sorts that not only was he in control but he cared about me enough to share his intentions and not have me blindsided.

By the end of 2008, we were gone. When we left, we hadn’t sold the house. Take note though, he didn’t say the house would be sold. He simply said, we would be leaving. Yeah….

That’s the memory that stands out the most. The one he wants me to use. There are others. Gentle “notices” that led to many more emotional losses.

The point being, when the Holy Spirit speaks, I have learned He speaks for a reason.

Heed. Listen & Act.

I am Sounding The Trumpet because, this time, the Winds of Change are imminent. Something BIG is on the horizon.

Be Prepared: Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually.

If you do not know God; Repent and Accept Him today. Get Baptized.

If you are not in the best physical shape. Take baby steps to get there.

Do what you can to make things right with your brothers and sisters. This is what I was doing yesterday. I was writing a Birthday post to my deceased sister. I was asking for her forgiveness.

We live in a temporary world. Hard as that is to imagine, it is a process of recognition I am working through. The year long purge or transitional purge I have been working on and written about are no accident.

Time is SHORT

We are not at the end of the World – because the world actually doesn’t end. We are in The End of Days (which started during the book of Acts, sometime around Jesus Ascension) but many parts of scripture indicate the End of Days would not be infinite. Things as we know them, will change. If you think death and taxes are the only sure things, think again.


I want to be honest with you. Life is good. It is a blessing and it is beautiful. But the world we LIVE IN is still full of sin and it’s the sin that ruins it for everyone.

I don’t know what’s coming, specifically, yet. But I do know that something is coming, because I’ve heard him whisper “Winds of Change,” repeatedly and again. This time, He is sharing it with me but not just for my benefit. This message is for ALL of US.

Get Right with God – before that Trumpet is blown.

Heavenly Father,

I do not feel competent to speak on my own, but this is your venue and here I am. If anyone out there has ears to hear, help them to listen. Help them open their eyes and remove the veil that separates Truth from Lies; to discern the dangers of the visible and the invisible.

This world and everything in it belongs to you. You have made clear to me that I arrived here with nothing and will leave with nothing, EXCEPT my relationship with YOU.

Thank you for helping me to Sound The Trumpet: Prepare us for what’s to come and cover us with your protection.

Thank you for your Grace, Forgiveness, Unfailing Love and the Peace that surpasses ALL understanding.

In Your Name, ALL God’s Children Prayed – Amen

May His Blessings Be YOURS,


Do you sense it? A “Quickening” ?


For weeks (maybe even months) I’ve sensed it.

Beyond that I’ve heard it as if it were a whisper in the wind.

The word: “Quickening”

I know a lot of people are reluctant to talk about The End of Days or End Times or The Tribulation. I imagine it frightens them. When I’ve accidentally happened upon the topic in conversation I hear:


  • “I don’t want to think about it,”

  • “I don’t want to talk about it,”

  • “It’s never gonna happen, it hasn’t for millennia”

  • “If God was coming, He would have come by now.”

The hard truth and reality is people (surrounded by a comfortable culture) don’t want to think or talk about something that might compromise, challenge or cause them to forfeit creature comforts.

Look at the bullet points above. And then consider what you might have to DO if you found out you were terminally ill? You WOULD have to THINK, TALK and PLAN for what was imminent…for what was coming.  While mankind has been given a time frame of 120 years maximum to live….


Genesis 6:3 (NLT) | In Context | Whole Chapter

Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.”


….not everyone gets to fully live out that amount of TIME.

Let’s cover a few bases here. Most people “Look” at The End of Days or “The End Times” as the End of Life. Granted the Book of Revelations is the last Book of the Bible. Appropriately so. The Book of Revelation is God’s Climax and Denouement to the Life we See. That doesn’t mean it’s the end of Life. God is Life as we know it and His plans are bigger (and always have been) since long before you and I ever showed up.

Back on Track: The word “Quickening”

The term “Quickening” came up in a phone call with a friend yesterday.

I’ve had this innate sense that time has sped up. It’s not something you can see on a clock or easily identify. It’s something that exists as an internal alarm.

I have friends who say that the Church, God’s people have fallen asleep. God warned this might happen and He specifically said at some point we would need to WAKE UP.


The Message to the Church in Sardis

“Write this letter to the angel[a] of the church in Sardis. This is the message from the one who has the sevenfold Spirit[b] of God and the seven stars:

“I know all the things you do, and that you have a reputation for being alive—but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my God. Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and turn to me again. If you don’t wake up, I will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief.

“Yet there are some in the church in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes with evil. They will walk with me in white, for they are worthy. All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their names from the Book of Life, but I will announce before my Father and his angels that they are mine.

“Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.

As many times as I have heard friends acknowledge that it’s important we WAKE UP it wasn’t until the point that I started to “sense” this “Quickening” that I realized – MAYBE there is more to what’s going on ALL Around us than WE want to admit.

Quickening is normally related to the time before a woman goes into Labor. It’s a time when the birth pains start.

Revelation 12

New Living Translation (NLT)


The Woman and the Dragon

12 Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant, and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth.

But as time goes on and Labor goes on there is a “quickening” in events.

Things happen faster, more frequently. Strange things can happen. Shocking. Attention getting.

“The Quickening” and “Wake Up” calls aren’t meant to frighten us…they are (more or less) an alarm clock.

I’m pretty sure the cycle of Blood Moons officially ushered in the process. I’m not here to say WHAT the implications of the Blood Moons are but as an observer of what is happening ALL around the WORLD, something is going on.

Yes, it is easy enough to attribute all the phenomenas to science and the process of life. God knows THAT, He IS bigger than that.

If this is a “Quickening” of God’s timetable, and it’s His call for us to Wake Up…I have to ask if you not only believe in God, but if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior?

It’s not hard. But the word repent is a small word with BIG implications.

If and when God does Rapture His Church (be it pre-tribulation or mid-tribulation) will you be ready?

Here is a simple prayer to get you there:

Dear Lord,
I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself. I am sorry and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I give it to you. Help me to live every day in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you.



Let me also say, there are scoffers out there. People who, as I mentioned above do not believe Jesus will come back for His Church. I have met and known many that feel this way or don’t want to believe it could happen in our lifetime.


I’m not saying it will….But, what if it does? What if it did?

What if there is a chance, no matter how slight…that it could happen?

I don’t want to see anyone perish, but it isn’t my decision….it’s yours.

May you reach out and accept God’s gift of Salvation.

It is FREE for the taking,
